Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bringing Us Poor Country Folk Water!?

Well, it seems that the long awaited rural water system has reached our part of the country. The county is bringing in good drinking water for all us country folk. It will be treated with Chlorine and who know's what else.
As for me and my house, we are refusing the hook-up as our spring-fed well water tastes a thousand times better than their treated city water. They can just walk on by...
I am wondering when the rural beautification council will give us some attention, giving all the nice work the water dept. is doing (see the pics.)? They have all kinds of heavy equipment and the deafening noise to accompany. They are clearing about 25 feet of trees and just pushing them to the side in order to run what looks like a 4-6 inch water line; seems like they could have found a much easier way to do this without having to make such a big impact. Sure ruined a beautiful view. If I were only ten, it would be like a trip to disney...but at my age, I can do without all the destruction and noise.

You might have to click on the pics to get the real picture of what is going on.

Dig Day 7?

Finally it has dried out enough to get back the dig! We made some good progress as we hit a little over 5 feet. One thing the rain has done is make the digging somewhat easier.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Busy Being Busy!

Thought I would give a little update as to our current activities.

Yesterday, Pam took Sam and Josie for testing in Siloam Springs. This will go on through Wednesday, and then it will be over. The testing is something required by the State of Arkansas and it actually does very little for anything other than letting the state see how we homeschooler’s are doing. The legislature in this state hates that not all students attend public schools. The public school also hates this because they are not getting funding from our children. The National Education Association hates this because they are not able to have a political influence on our children. In essence, we are considered renegades. Hopefully one day, we will be able to move to the land of the FREE (Oklahoma) where they allow the parents to be responsible for their children without having to live in fear of them.

I have been staying home with Aubrey and Katie and tending to the homestead. Laundry, dishes…and on and on. Actually, I’ve let things slip, as the old body hasn’t been too cooperative. Just running at low maintenance level.

Last week we went to Dab’s for supper where we had grilled burgers & dogs. Was good!

Last Saturday we went to Miracle’s birthday party at Donna & Kimmie’s house in Siloam Springs. The kids had a blast! The games were a big hit and Miracle won’t be short on purses for a while.

Later that evening, we went to Kent & Denise’s to get my lantern and ended up staying for supper, which was burgers and dogs from the grill. Was good! We ended up getting home just a little before ten, but all had fun.

Pam had to work that day and when she was done, I insisted she just go on home and have some “alone” time to recuperate from her non-stop schedule. She seemed to get a bit of rest.

That’s pretty much what we’ve been up to. We’ve got a pretty hectic Thursday and Friday this week as there are many audit’s to do, but such is life; anything to go toward the bills.

Till next entry…

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I thought about going out and taking another picture of the hole, but alas, it would look very similar to the last posting. Nothing has changed.

We’ve been having much rain, and it is this much needed rain that has stopped any progress. As I said before, we have been in a draught and the uncontrolled fires have been bad.

Along with this rain, bad storms have been very commonplace. We’ve had tornadoes for the last few weeks with increasing frequency. This first round hit about 30 miles north of us and did much damage, not to mention the pounding that Missouri took (I think 2 died in the storms there). This last round a couple of days ago, dropped something like 63 tornado’s and tore up much of eastern Arkansas and western Tennessee, with 28 confirmed death’s so far. The eastern Arkansas town of Marmaduke (opposite side of the state) was all but wiped out. The last report I saw, said that there was no building that was untouched, and many were destroyed all out.

It seems like these storms have been hitting our area on Thursday’s. The last one looked severe (tornadic) over Fort Smith, about 30 miles south of us. They had sirens and all going, but thank God, nothing touched the ground. The worst damage was from hail.

We are once again setting up for another round of storms, and yes, they are supposed to be hitting on Thursday. Wednesday is supposed to start with some thunderstorms with an increase in intensity on Thursday morning, according to the local weather guy’s. According to NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Association), The main brunt of the storms will be north into Nebraska and Missouri, leaving us with a slight threat of severe weather. While I am glad to see we will miss most of this, we will be praying for our neighbor’s to the north.

Time will tell. In the mean time, I posted a picture I just picked out of the blue. It is Aubrey's Artwork. Her version of the American Flag (if she could design it).

Until next posting, be blessed!

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