Monday, February 19, 2007

Installing Stairs and Framing Out...

In this first pic., you can see we have installed the spiral stairs and framed in the bathroom, which will come off the master bedroom. It's going to be quite small, but with just one bathroom in this house, it will be a most welcome addition. It's going to have a toilet and shower/sink combo (own design).
This second picture shows the sitting room coming off the dining room upstairs. It wasn't in the original plan, but with it being a matter of twelve more studs, it just makes sense.

This final picture shows both the upper and lower levels of the addition and the stairs. Next you will see that we are moving to the other side of the stairs and enclosing that as well.
The gazebo roof is going to be removed and replaced with a shed roof that will be tied in with the addition. the area between the addition and gazebo will be enclosed into the overall structure.

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Knock out Those Windows and Get Ready for Stairs...

Here you are looking at the area between the gazebo and the house. There was a pad poured and covered. I removed the roof from the pad, built some scaffolding, removed the windows for a doorway and then covered it.
In the background of a couple of the pics, you can see a black round object. That is the spiral stairs which were installed the next day along with the framing for the bath off the master suite (bedroom). I also couldn't pass up the opportunity to get my mug in here somewhere.

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Bathtub Before and After...

Here are some images of the old clawfoot bathtub that came with the place. If I remember right, It's somewhere around 87 yrs. old. After the good son and I scraped and earlier attempt at reglazing from it (previous owner), we hired a professional to reglazed it with some pretty impressive results.

A note about this process. The chemicals are extremely dangerous and you should plan on being out of the house/proximity of the piece being reworked for at least 24 hrs. The fumes are worse than you can imagine. An easy alternative would simply be to have a covered area outside for the work to be done.
I wish the pic. had turned out a bit clearer, but you can see the difference.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Moving Along At A Snails Clip...

Time to share what we've been up to for the past little bit. Not too much...some progress, but not what I anticipated. I might add that I think the dry spell has passed.

I originally intended to post some pics, but alas, the handy button won't work, so I'll just say that we've had snow, ice, more snow, rain, snow and a bit more rain!

We've also managed to get the spiral stairs installed, a hole cut into the upstairs wall for an entrance, and most of the walls framed to enclose it. One more good day of work and I should have all the framing done. That's about all I have to post for the time being, but hopefully will be able to put some pics up soon.

Until the next time...if you want to be right, then do right!

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